Hunter Furniture Player of the Year
Winners and Runners-up in Mens Saturday competitions, matchplay events and other official matches during the 2023 season are awarded points on the basis of:
Club Champion, Intermediate & Junior 60 points
Club Champion runners-up 30 points
Winners of match play events 40 points
Runners-up in match play events 20 points
Winners of Cup & Trophy events 30 points
Runners-up in Cup & Trophy events 15 points
Winners of other events 20 points
Runners-up in other events 10 points
Individual members receive all points as shown regardless if pairs or teams event – points allocation is not divided by number of players.
Winner is member with highest number of points at conclusion of play on Saturday 9th December 2023
Winner receives “Hunter Furniture – Player of the Year” annual trophy – presented at Mens Prizegiving on Saturday 9th December 2019 and a voucher from Hunter Furniture to the value of $1000. The runner-up will receive a voucher to the value of $300 and the 3rd place-getter will receive a voucher to the value of $100.